Meta data (6)#

EDAM-bioimaging: The ontology of bioimage informatics operations, topics, data, and formats (update 2020)#

[‘Matúš Kalaš’, ‘Laure Plantard’, ‘Joakim Lindblad’, ‘Martin Jones’, ‘Nataša Sladoje’, ‘Moritz A Kirschmann’, ‘Anatole Chessel’, ‘Leandro Scholz’, ‘Fabianne Rössler’, ‘Laura Nicolás Sáenz’, ‘Estibaliz Gómez de Mariscal’, ‘John Bogovic’, ‘Alexandre Dufour’, ‘Xavier Heiligenstein’, ‘Dominic Waithe’, ‘Marie-Charlotte Domart’, ‘Matthia Karreman’, ‘Raf Van de Plas’, ‘Robert Haase’, ‘David Hörl’, ‘Lassi Paavolainen’, ‘Ivana Vrhovac Madunić’, ‘Dean Karaica’, ‘Arrate Muñoz-Barrutia’, ‘Paula Sampaio’, ‘Daniel Sage’, ‘Sebastian Munck’, ‘Ofra Golani’, ‘Josh Moore’, ‘Florian Levet’, ‘Jon Ison’, ‘Alban Gaignard’, ‘Hervé Ménager’, ‘Chong Zhang’, ‘Kota Miura’, ‘Julien Colombelli’, ‘Perrine Paul-Gilloteaux’]

Licensed CC-BY-4.0

Tags: Meta Data

Content type: Publication, Poster

MDEmic: a metadata annotation tool to facilitate management of FAIR image data in the bioimaging community#

[‘Susanne Kunis’, ‘Sebastian Hänsch’, ‘Christian Schmidt’, ‘Frances Wong’, ‘Caterina Strambio-De-Castillia’, ‘Stefanie Weidtkamp-Peters’]


Tags: Research Data Management, Meta Data

Content type: Publication

Metadata matters: access to image data in the real world#

[‘Melissa Linkert’, ‘et al.’]

Published 2010

Tags: Meta Data

Content type: Publication

MethodsJ2: a software tool to capture metadata and generate comprehensive microscopy methods text#

[‘Joel Ryan’, ‘Thomas Pengo’, ‘Alex Rigano’, ‘Paula Montero Llopis’, ‘Michelle S. Itano’, ‘Lisa A. Cameron’, ‘Guillermo Marqués’, ‘Caterina Strambio-De-Castillia’, ‘Mark A. Sanders’, ‘Claire M. Brown’]

Tags: Meta Data

Content type: Publication

Micro-Meta App: an interactive tool for collecting microscopy metadata based on community specifications#

[‘Alessandro Rigano’, ‘et al.’]

Tags: Meta Data

Content type: Publication