How to contribute#

This repository contains lists of training materials. It is extensible using github pull requests. You find a how-to guide on the bottom of this page. The format for entries in the repository is documented on the next page.

Quick contributing short-cut:#

If you’re too busy to enter everything in detail yourself, please just create a github issue with a link to the materials you want to include in our list. We can take of all the details. If it is a link to a zenodo record, please only paste that link into the text field and no additional explanation. These links are processed automatically then.

What to contribute#

Consider adding your favorite training materials and resources. In case you know a collection of resources add it but do not add all individual entries of the collection. We will be working on collecting them automatically. However, if there are specific entries in such a collection you think are in particlar valuable, feel free to add them now.

Inclusion criteria#

We will consider merging links to all materials which are educative. Relevant topics are:

  • Research Data Management, in particular but not limited to the bio-imaging context

  • Bio-image Analysis

We would like to collect links to resources including various formats / content types:

  • Slides

  • Posters

  • Publications

  • Blog posts

  • Example data

  • Collections (of links to other materials)

Exclusion criteria#

We will only in exceptional cases merge links to materials which are located behind a paywall. We will also not merge links to materials which serve mostly advertising commercial products. However, if there are openly accessible training resources for commercial software, we welcome links to these resources.

Maintenance of contributions#

We reserve the right to remove and modify entries of this collection at any point in time.

Step-by-step tutorial#

If you want to contribute a new link to some training materials, got to the yml file, e.g. to events.yml and click the edit button.

Screenshot showing the events.yml file with an arrow pointing at the edit button

Add your modification, e.g. at the very end of this file.

Screenshot where one entry is added to the yml file

Save the file and enter a meaningful commit message. Write what you added to the file in very short.

Screenshot of the user entering a committ message

Submit a pull-request with a short message of what you are proposing and why.

Screenshot how to submit a PR

After submitting the pull-request, wait for a second while the tests are running.

Screenshot of running tests.

Wait until the tests have passed. If they don’t, check the error message and modify the file on your branch again until the tests pass. If the error is not related to your changes, please let us know and we will take care of it.

Screenshot of the succeeded tests

If you think your contribution is substantial, feel free to send a pull-request adding yourself to the list of authors here.