Omero (31)#
BIOMERO - A scalable and extensible image analysis framework#
Torec T. Luik, Rodrigo Rosas-Bertolini, Eric A.J. Reits, Ron A. Hoebe, Przemek M. Krawczyk
Published None
Licensed CC-BY-4.0
The authors introduce BIOMERO (bioimage analysis in OMERO), a bridge connecting OMERO, a renowned bioimaging data management platform, FAIR workflows, and high-performance computing (HPC) environments.
Tags: OMERO, Workflow, Bioimage Analysis
Content type: Publication
Torec Luik, Johannes Soltwedel
Published 2024-07-24
Licensed APACHE-2.0
The BIOMERO framework, for BioImage analysis in OMERO, allows you to run (FAIR) bioimage analysis workflows directly from OMERO on a high-performance compute (HPC) cluster, remotely through SSH.
Tags: OMERO, Github
Content type: Github Repository
Browsing the Open Microscopy Image Data Resource with Python#
Robert Haase
Licensed CC-BY-4.0
Tags: OMERO, Python
Content type: Blog Post
Erick Martins Ratamero - Expanding the OME ecosystem for imaging data management | SciPy 2024#
SciPy, Erick Martins Ratamero
Published 2024-08-19
Tags: OMERO, Bioimage Analysis
Content type: Video, Presentation
Licensed BSD-2-CLAUSE
Fiji is a popular free open-source image processing package based on ImageJ.
Tags: Imagej, OMERO
Content type: Online Tutorial
Fit for OMERO: How imaging facilities and IT departments work together to enable RDM for bioimaging#
Starts Oct 16, 2024, 9:00 AM, Ends Oct 17, 2024, 5:00 PM
Tags: Bioimage Analysis, OMERO, Research Data Management
Content type: Workshop
Glencoe Software Webinars#
Chris Allan, Emil Rozbicki
Licensed UNKNOWN
Example Workflows / usage of the Glencoe Software.
Content type: Video, Tutorial, Collection
High throughput & automated data analysis and data management workflow with Cellprofiler and OMERO#
Sarah Weischer, Jens Wendt, Thomas Zobel
Licensed CC-BY-4.0
In this workshop a fully integrated data analysis solutions employing OMERO and commonly applied image analysis tools (e.g., CellProfiler, Fiji) using existing python interfaces (OMERO Python language bindings, ezOmero, Cellprofiler Python API) is presented.
Tags: OMERO, Data Analysis, Bioimage Analysis
Content type: Collection
I3D:bio’s OMERO training material: Re-usable, adjustable, multi-purpose slides for local user training#
Christian Schmidt, Michele Bortolomeazzi, Tom Boissonnet, Carsten Fortmann-Grote, Julia Dohle, Peter Zentis, Niraj Kandpal, Susanne Kunis, Thomas Zobel, Stefanie Weidtkamp-Peters, Elisa Ferrando-May
Published 2023-11-13
Licensed CC-BY-4.0
The open-source software OME Remote Objects (OMERO) is a data management software that allows storing, organizing, and annotating bioimaging/microscopy data. OMERO has become one of the best-known systems for bioimage data management in the bioimaging community. The Information Infrastructure for BioImage Data (I3D:bio) project facilitates the uptake of OMERO into research data management (RDM) practices at universities and research institutions in Germany. Since the adoption of OMERO into researchers’ daily routines requires intensive training, a broad portfolio of training resources for OMERO is an asset. On top of using the OMERO guides curated by the Open Microscopy Environment Consortium (OME) team, imaging core facility staff at institutions where OMERO is used often prepare additional material tailored to be applicable for their own OMERO instances. Based on experience gathered in the Research Data Management for Microscopy group (RDM4mic) in Germany, and in the use cases in the I3D:bio project, we created a set of reusable, adjustable, openly available slide decks to serve as the basis for tailored training lectures, video tutorials, and self-guided instruction manuals directed at beginners in using OMERO. The material is published as an open educational resource complementing the existing resources for OMERO contributed by the community.
Tags: OMERO, Research Data Management, Nfdi4Bioimage, I3Dbio
Content type: Slides, Video
KNIME Image Processing#
Licensed GPL-3.0
The KNIME Image Processing Extension allows you to read in more than 140 different kinds of images and to apply well known methods on images, like preprocessing. segmentation, feature extraction, tracking and classification in KNIME.
Tags: Imagej, OMERO, Workflow
Content type: Tutorial, Online Tutorial, Documentation
Key-Value pairs scripts#
Licensed UNKNOWN
The key-value pairs are annotations in OMERO useful to describe thoroughly the data and can be added & edited via the OMERO.web interface.
Content type: Documentation, Collection
NFDI4Bioimage - TA3-Hackathon - UoC-2023 (Cologne Hackathon)#
Mohamed M. Abdrabbou, Mehrnaz Babaki, Tom Boissonnet, Michele Bortolomeazzi, Eik Dahms, Vanessa A. F. Fuchs, Moritz Hoevels, Niraj Kandpal, Christoph Möhl, Joshua A. Moore, Astrid Schauss, Andrea Schrader, Torsten Stöter, Julia Thönnißen, Monica Valencia-S., H. Lukas Weil, Jens Wendt and Peter Zentis
Licensed CC-BY-4.0
Tags: Arc, Dataplant, Hackathon, Nfdi4Bioimage, OMERO, Python, Research Data Management
Content type: Event, Publication, Documentation
OME Documentation#
Licensed CC-BY-4.0
Content type: Documentation
OME Event Database#
Tags: OMERO, Research Data Management
Content type: Collection, Event
OMERO - HCS analysis pipeline using Jupyter Notebooks#
Riccardo Massei
Licensed MIT
Material and solutions for the course ‘Bioimage data management and analysis with OMERO’ held in Heidelberg (13th May 2024) - Module 3 (1.45 pm - 3.45 pm): OMERO and Jupyter Notebooks. Main goal of the workflow is to show the potential of JN to perform reproducible image analysis in connection with an OMERO instance. In this specific example, we are performing a simple nuclei segmentation from raw images uploaded in OMERO.
Tags: Teaching, Bioimage Analysis, Notebooks, Python, OMERO
Content type: Github Repository
OMERO - QuPath#
Rémy Jean Daniel Dornier
Licensed CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0
OMERO-RAW extension for QuPath allows to directly access to the raw pixels of images. All types of images (RGB, fluorescence, …) are supported with this extension.
Tags: Bioimage Analysis, OMERO
Content type: Online Tutorial
OMERO Guide#
Licensed BSD-2-CLAUSE
Content type: Collection
OMERO documentation#
Licensed UNKNOWN
Content type: Documentation
OMERO for microscopy research data management#
Thomas Zobel, Sarah Weischner, Jens Wendt
A use case example from the Münster Imaging Network
Tags: Nfdi4Bioimage, OMERO, Research Data Management
Content type: Publication
OMERO walkthrough example#
Licensed BSD-2-CLAUSE
Content type: Document
OMERO walkthrough for facility managers#
Licensed BSD-2-CLAUSE
Content type: Document
Omero Deployment examples#
Licensed BSD-2-CLAUSE
Content type: Collection
Johannes Soltwedel
Licensed CC-BY-4.0
This repository contains a collection of tools for working with OMERO. Such tools can be working with the OMERO command line interface to transfer datasets between repositories, etc.
Tags: OMERO, Bioimage Analysis
Content type: Github Repository
Open Microscopy Environment YouTube channel#
YouTube channel collecting videos and webinar recordings about the Open Microscopy Environment (OME), the Next Generation File Format OME-NGFF, the Image Data Resource (IDR), the Omero platform and Omero plugins.
Content type: Collection, Video
Overview of the Galaxy OMERO-suite - Upload images and metadata in OMERO using Galaxy#
Riccardo Massei, Björn Grüning
Published 2024-12-02
Licensed CC-BY-4.0
Tags: OMERO, Galaxy, Metadata, Nfdi4Bioimage
Content type: Tutorial, Framework, Workflow
Plugin “omero-batch-plugin”#
Licensed GPL-2.0
An ImageJ plugin to run a script or macro on a batch of images from/to OMERO.
Tags: OMERO, Imagej, Imagej Macro, Github
Content type: Github Repository
Plugin “omero-cli-transfer”#
Erick Martins Ratamero, Jean-Marie Burel, Will Moore, Guillaume Gay, Christoph Moehl, et al.
Published 2024-09-14
Licensed GPL-2.0
An OMERO CLI plugin for creating and using transfer packets between OMERO servers.
Content type: Github Repository
Plugin “simple-omero-client”#
Pierre Pouchin, Rdornier, kekunn, Jean-Marie Burel
Licensed GPL-2.0
A wrapper library which can be called from scripts in Fiji, but can mostly be used in Maven projects to wrap calls to the underlying OMERO Java Gateway.
Tags: OMERO, Github, Fiji
Content type: Github Repository
Licensed UNKNOWN
Tags: Research Data Management, OMERO
Content type: Collection, Video
User friendly Image metadata annotation tool/workflow for OMERO#
Jens Wendt
Tags: Metadata, Workflow, OMERO
Content type: Forum Post
Welcome to BioImage Town#
Josh Moore
Licensed CC-BY-4.0
Welcome at NFDI4BIOIMAGE All-Hands Meeting in Düsseldorf, Germany, October 16, 2023
Tags: OMERO, Bioimage Analysis, Nfdi4Bioimage
Content type: Slides