Research data management (76)#

“ZENODO und Co.” Was bringt und wer braucht ein Repositorium?#

[‘Elfi Hesse’, ‘Jan-Christoph Deinert’, ‘Christian Löschen’]

Published 2021-01-25

Licensed CC-BY-4.0

Die Online-Veranstaltung fand am 21.01.2021 im Rahmen der SaxFDM-Veranstaltungsreihe “Digital Kitchen - Küchengespräche mit SaxFDM” statt. SaxFDM-Sprecherin Elfi Hesse (HTW Dresden) erläuterte zunächst Grundsätzliches zum Thema Repositorien. Anschließend teilten Nutzer (Jan Deinert – HZDR) und Anbieter (Christian Löschen – TU Dresden/ZIH) lokaler Repositorien ihre Erfahrungen mit uns.

Tags: Research Data Management

Content type: Slides

6 Steps Towards Reproducible Research#

[‘Heidi Seibold’]

Licensed CC-BY-4.0

A short book with 6 steps that get you closer to making your work reproducible.

Tags: Reproducibility, Research Data Management

Content type: Book

A Cloud-Optimized Storage for Interactive Access of Large Arrays#

[‘Josh Moore’, ‘Susanne Kunis’]

Licensed CC-BY-4.0

Tags: Nfdi4Bioimage, Research Data Management

Content type: Publication, Conference Abstract

A call for public archives for biological image data#

[‘Jan Ellenberg’, ‘Jason R. Swedlow’, ‘Mary Barlow’, ‘Charles E. Cook’, ‘Ugis Sarkans’, ‘Ardan Patwardhan’, ‘Alvis Brazma’, ‘Ewan Birney’]

Tags: Research Data Management

Content type: Publication

A practical guide to bioimaging research data management in core facilities#

[‘Christian Schmidt’, ‘Tom Boissonnet’, ‘Julia Dohle’, ‘Karen Bernhardt’, ‘Elisa Ferrando-May’, ‘Tobias Wernet’, ‘Roland Nitschke’, ‘Susanne Kunis’, ‘Stefanie Weidtkamp-Peters’]

Tags: Research Data Management

Content type: Publication

Alles meins – oder!? Urheberrechte klären für Forschungsdaten#

[‘Stephan Wünsche’]

Published 2024-06-04

Licensed CC-BY-4.0

Wem gehören Forschungsdaten? Diese Frage stellt sich bei Daten, an deren Entstehung mehrere Personen beteiligt waren, und besonders bei Textdaten, Bildern und Videos. Hier lernen Sie, für Ihr eigenes Forschungsvorhaben zu erkennen, wessen Urheber- und Leistungsschutzrechte zu berücksichtigen sind. Sie erfahren, wie Sie mit Hilfe von Vereinbarungen frühzeitig Rechtssicherheit herstellen, etwa um Daten weitergeben oder publizieren zu können.    

Tags: Research Data Management, Licensing

Content type: Slides

BigDataProcessor2: A free and open-source Fiji plugin for inspection and processing of TB sized image data#

[‘Christian Tischer’, ‘Ashis Ravindran’, ‘Sabine Reither’, ‘Nicolas Chiaruttini’, ‘Rainer Pepperkok’, ‘Nils Norlin’]

Licensed CC-BY-4.0

Tags: Research Data Management, Bioimage Analysis

Content type: Publication

Bio-Image Data Strudel for Workshop on Research Data Management in TU Dresden Core Facilities#

[‘Cornelia Wetzker’]

Published 2023-11-08

Licensed CC-BY-4.0

This presentation gives a short outline of the complexity of data and metadata in the bioimaging universe. It introduces NFDI4BIOIMAGE as a newly formed consortium as part of the German ‘Nationale Forschungsdateninfrastruktur’ (NFDI) and its goals and tools for data management including its current members on TU Dresden campus.  

Tags: Research Data Management, Tu Dresden, Bioimage Data, Nfdi4Bioimage

Content type: Slide

Bring your own data workshops#

Tags: Bioimage Analysis, Research Data Management

Content type: Workshop

Building a FAIR image data ecosystem for microscopy communities#

[‘Isabel Kemmer’, ‘Antje Keppler’, ‘Beatriz Serrano-Solano’, ‘Arina Rybina’, ‘Buğra Özdemir’, ‘Johanna Bischof’, ‘Ayoub El Ghadraoui’, ‘John E. Eriksson’, ‘Aastha Mathur’]

Tags: Research Data Management

Content type: Publication

Challenges and opportunities for bio-image analysis core-facilities#

[‘Robert Haase’]

Licensed CC-BY-4.0

Tags: Research Data Management, Bio-Image Analysis, Nfdi4Bioimage

Content type: Slide

Challenges and opportunities for bioimage analysis core-facilities#

[‘Johannes Richard Soltwedel’, ‘Robert Haase’]

Licensed CC-BY-4.0

This article outlines common reasons for founding bioimage analysis core-facilities, services they can provide to fulfill certain need and conflicts of interest that arise from these services.

Tags: Bioimage Analysis, Research Data Management

Content type: Publication

Collaborative bio-image analysis script editing with git#

[‘Robert Haase’]

Licensed CC-BY-4.0

Introduction to version control using git for collaborative, reproducible script editing.

Tags: Sharing, Research Data Management

Content type: Blog

Combining the BIDS and ARC Directory Structures for Multimodal Research Data Organization#

[‘Torsten Stöter’, ‘Tobias Gottschall’, ‘Andrea Schrader’, ‘Peter Zentis’, ‘Monica Valencia-Schneider’, ‘Niraj Kandpal’, ‘Werner Zuschratter’, ‘Astrid Schauss’, ‘Timo Dickscheid’, ‘Timo Mühlhaus’, ‘Dirk von Suchodoletz’]

Licensed CC-BY-4.0

Interdisciplinary collaboration and integrating large, diverse datasets are crucial for answering complex research questions, requiring multimodal data analysis and adherence to FAIR principles. To address challenges in capturing the full research cycle and contextualizing data, DataPLANT developed the Annotated Research Context (ARC), while the neuroimaging community extended the Brain Imaging Data Structure (BIDS) for microscopic image data, both providing standardized, file system-based storage structures for organizing and sharing data with metadata.

Tags: Research Data Management, Fair-Principles

Content type: Poster

Crashkurs Forschungsdatenmanagement#

[‘Barbara Weiner’, ‘Stephan Wünsche’, ‘Stefan Kühne’, ‘Pia Voigt’, ‘Sebastian Frericks’, ‘Clemens Hoffmann’, ‘Romy Elze’, ‘Ronny Gey’]

Published 2020-04-30

Licensed CC-BY-4.0

Diese Präsentation bietet einen Einstieg in alle relevanten Bereiche des Forschungsdatenmanagements an der Universität Leipzig. Behandelt werden Grundlagen des Forschungsdatenmanagements, technische, ethische und rechtliche Aspekte sowie die Archivierung und Publikation von Forschungsdaten. Die Präsentation enthält zahlreiche weiterführende Links (rot) und Literaturhinweise.

Ergänzend hierzu wird eine Präsentation mit Übungsaufgaben angeboten, die helfen soll, das Gelernte zu festigen und in der eigenen Forschungspraxis umzusetzen. Den Aufgaben folgen jeweils eine Antwortfolie sowie deren Auflösung.

Tags: Research Data Management

Content type: Slides

Cultivating Open Training#

[‘Robert Haase’]

Published 2024-03-14

Licensed CC-BY-4.0

In this SaxFDM Digital Kitchen, I introduced current challenges and potential solutions for openly sharing training materials, softly focusing on bio-image analysis. In this field a lot of training materials circulate in private channels, but openly shared, reusable materials, according to the FAIR-principles, are still rare. Using the CC-BY license and uploading materials to publicly acessible repositories are proposed to fill this gap.

Tags: Open Science, Research Data Management, Fair-Principles, Bio-Image Analysis, Licensing

Content type: Slides

Cultivating Open Training to advance Bio-image Analysis#

[‘Robert Haase’]

Published 2024-04-25

Licensed CC-BY-4.0

These slides introduce current challenges and potential solutions for openly sharing training materials, focusing on bio-image analysis. In this field a lot of training materials circulate in private channels, but openly shared, reusable materials, according to the FAIR-principles, are still rare. Using the CC-BY license and publicly acessible repositories are proposed to fill this gap.

Tags: Research Data Management, Licensing, Fair-Principles

Content type: Slides

Data handling in large-scale electron microscopy#

[‘Job Fermie’]

Tags: Research Data Management

Content type: Blog


[‘Robert Haase’]

Published 2024-04-14

Licensed CC-BY-4.0

In dieser Data Management Session wird der Lebenszyklus von Daten näher beleuchtet. Wie entstehen Daten, was passiert mit ihnen, wenn sie verarbeitet werden? Wem gehören die Daten und wer ist dafür verantwortlich, sie zu veröffentlichen, zu archivieren und gegebenenfalls wiederzuverwenden? Wir werden einen Datenmanagementplan in Gruppenarbeit entwerfen, ggf. mit Hilfe von ChatGPT.

Tags: Research Data Management

Content type: Slides

Datenmanagement im Fokus: Organisation, Speicherstrategien und Datenschutz#

[‘Pia Voigt’, ‘Carolin Hundt’]

Published 2024-04-19

Licensed CC-BY-4.0

Workshop zum Thema „Datenmanagement im Fokus: Organisation, Speicherstrategien und Datenschutz“ auf der Data Week Leipzig Der Umgang mit Daten ist im Alltag nicht immer leicht: Wie und wo speichert man Daten idealerweise? Welche Strategien helfen, den Überblick zu behalten und wie geht man mit personenbezogenen Daten um? Diese Fragen möchten wir gemeinsam mit Ihnen anhand individueller Datenprobleme besprechen und Ihnen Lösungen aufzeigen, wie Sie ihr Datenmanagement effizient gestalten können.

Tags: Research Data Management

Content type: Slides

Datenmanagementpläne erstellen - Teil 1#

[‘Pia Voigt’, ‘Barbara Weiner’]

Published 2021-03-23

Licensed CC-BY-4.0

Was ist ein Datenmanagementplan? Welche Vorgaben sollte ich beachten? Wie erstelle ich einen solchen für mein Forschungsprojekt und welche nützlichen Tools kann ich hierfür verwenden?

Die Anforderungen der Forschungsförderer zum Datenmanagement steigen stetig. Damit verbunden ist häufig auch das Erstellen eines Datenmanagementplans. Dabei erwarten DFG, BMBF oder die EU jeweils unterschiedliche Angaben zur Erhebung, Speicherung und Veröffentlichung von projektbezogenen Forschungsdaten. Zudem bietet das Erstellen eines Datenmanagementplans viele Vorteile und hilft Ihnen nicht zuletzt, die Anforderungen der guten wissenschaftlichen Praxis strukturiert umzusetzen.

Was im ersten Moment unübersichtlich und überfordernd wirkt, soll in diesem Kurs anhand einer grundlegenden theoretischen Einführung im ersten und praxisorientierter Beispiele im zweiten Teil der Veranstaltung handhabbar gemacht werden. Sie lernen, was hinter den Anforderungen der Forschungsförderer steckt, welche Elemente ein Datenmanagementplan enthalten sollte und wie sie einen solchen mithilfe interaktiver Tools selbst erstellen können.

Tags: Research Data Management

Content type: Slides

Datenmanagementpläne erstellen - Teil 2#

[‘Pia Voigt’, ‘Barbara Weiner’]

Published 2021-03-30

Licensed CC-BY-4.0

Was ist ein Datenmanagementplan? Welche Vorgaben sollte ich beachten? Wie erstelle ich einen solchen für mein Forschungsprojekt und welche nützlichen Tools kann ich hierfür verwenden?

Die Anforderungen der Forschungsförderer zum Datenmanagement steigen stetig. Damit verbunden ist häufig auch das Erstellen eines Datenmanagementplans. Dabei erwarten DFG, BMBF oder die EU jeweils unterschiedliche Angaben zur Erhebung, Speicherung und Veröffentlichung von projektbezogenen Forschungsdaten. Zudem bietet das Erstellen eines Datenmanagementplans viele Vorteile und hilft Ihnen nicht zuletzt, die Anforderungen der guten wissenschaftlichen Praxis strukturiert umzusetzen.

Was im ersten Moment unübersichtlich und überfordernd wirkt, soll in diesem Kurs anhand einer grundlegenden theoretischen Einführung im ersten und praxisorientierter Beispiele im zweiten Teil der Veranstaltung handhabbar gemacht werden. Sie lernen, was hinter den Anforderungen der Forschungsförderer steckt, welche Elemente ein Datenmanagementplan enthalten sollte und wie sie einen solchen mithilfe interaktiver Tools selbst erstellen können.

Version 2 enthält aktuelle Links und weiterführende Hinweise zu einzelnen Aspekten eines Datenmanagementplans.

Version 3 ist die überarbeitete und aktualisierte Version der ersten beiden und enthält u.a. Hinweise zur Lizenzierung und zu Nutzungsrechten an Forschungsdaten.

Tags: Research Data Management

Content type: Slides

Efficiently starting institutional research data management#

[‘Katarzyna Biernacka’, ‘Katrin Cortez’, ‘Kerstin Helbig’]

Published 2019-10-15

Licensed CC-BY-4.0

Researchers are increasingly often confronted with research data management (RDM) topics during their work. Higher education institutions therefore begin to offer services for RDM at some point to give support and advice. However, many groundbreaking decisions have to be made at the very beginning of RDM services. Priorities must be set and policies formulated. Likewise, the staff must first be qualified in order to provide advice and adequately deal with the manifold problems awaiting. The FDMentor project has therefore bundled the expertise of five German universities with different experiences and levels of RDM knowledge to jointly develop strategies, roadmaps, guidelines, and open access training material. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Freie Universität Berlin, Technische Universität Berlin, University of Potsdam, and European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) have worked together on common solutions that are easy to adapt. With funding of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, the collaborative project addressed four problem areas: strategy development, legal issues, policy development, and competence enhancement. The aim of the project outcomes is to provide other higher education institutions with the best possible support for the efficient introduction of research data management. Therefore, all project results are freely accessible under the CC-BY 4.0 international license. The early involvement of the community in the form of workshops and the collection of feedback has proven its worth: the FDMentor strategies, roadmaps, guidelines, and training materials are applied and adapted beyond the partner universities.

Tags: Research Data Management

Content type: Document

Einblicke ins Forschungsdatenmanagement - Darf ich das veröffentlichen? Rechtsfragen im Umgang mit Forschungsdaten#

[‘Stephan Wünsche’, ‘Pia Voigt’]

Published 2021-05-11

Licensed CC-BY-4.0

Diese Präsentation wurde im Zuge der digitalen Veranstaltungsreihe “Einblicke ins Forschungsdatenmanagement” erstellt. Diese findet seit dem SS 2020 an der Universität Leipzig für alle Interessierten zu verschiedenen Themen des Forschungsdatenmanagements statt.

Dieser Teil der Reihe dreht sich um Rechtsfragen im Umgang mit Forschungsdaten und deren Bedeutung für die wissenschaftliche Praxis. Sie finden in der vorliegenden Präsentation einen Überblick über relevante Rechtsbereiche sowie Erläuterungen zum Datenschutz, Urheberrecht und den Grundsätzen der guten wissenschaftlichen Praxis mit Fokus auf deren Bedeutung im Forschungsdatenmanagement.

Tags: Research Data Management, Data Protection

Content type: Slides

Euro-BioImaging’s Guide to FAIR BioImage Data - Practical Tasks#

[‘Isabel Kemmer’, ‘Euro-BioImaging ERIC’]

Published 2024-06-04

Licensed CC-BY-4.0

Hands-on exercises on FAIR Bioimage Data from the interactive online workshop “Euro-BioImaging’s Guide to FAIR BioImage Data 2024” (  Types of tasks included: FAIR characteristics of a real world dataset Data Management Plan (DMP) Journal Policies on FAIR data sharing Ontology search Metadata according to REMBI scheme (Image from: Sarkans, U., Chiu, W., Collinson, L. et al. REMBI: Recommended Metadata for Biological Images—enabling reuse of microscopy data in biology. Nat Methods 18, 1418–1422 (2021). Matching datasets to bioimage repositories Browsing bioimage repositories

Tags: Bioimage Analysis, Fair-Principles, Research Data Management

Content type: Slides, Tutorial

Euro-BioImaging’s Template for Research Data Management Plans#

[‘Isabel Kemmer’, ‘Euro-BioImaging ERIC’]

Published 2024-06-04

Licensed CC-BY-4.0

Euro-BioImaging has developed a Data Management Plan (DMP) template with questions tailored to bioimaging research projects. Outlining data management practices in this way ensures traceability of project data, allowing for a continuous and unambiguous flow of information throughout the research project. This template can be used to satisfy the requirement to submit a DMP to certain funders. Regardless of the funder, Euro-BioImaging users are encouraged to provide a DMP and can use this template accordingly.  This DMP template is available as a fillable PDF with further instructions and sample responses available by hovering over the fillable fields. 

Tags: Bioimage Analysis, Fair-Principles, Research Data Management

Content type: Collection, Tutorial

FAIR BioImage Data#

Licensed CC-BY-4.0

Tags: Research Data Management, Fair, Bioimage Analysis

Content type: Collection, Video

Fit for OMERO: How imaging facilities and IT departments work together to enable RDM for bioimaging#

Starts Oct 16, 2024, 9:00 AM, Ends Oct 17, 2024, 5:00 PM

Tags: Bioimage Analysis, Omero, Research Data Management

Content type: Workshop


Research Data Management Information Portal in German

Tags: Research Data Management

Content type: Collection

Licensed CC-BY-4.0

Research Data Management Wiki in German

Tags: Research Data Management

Content type: Collection

From Paper to Pixels: Navigation through your Research Data - presentations of speakers#

[‘Marcelo Zoccoler’, ‘Simon Bekemeier’, ‘Tom Boissonnet’, ‘Simon Parker’, ‘Luca Bertinetti’, ‘Marc Gentzel’, ‘Riccardo Massei’, ‘Cornelia Wetzker’]

Published 2024-06-10

Licensed CC-BY-4.0

The workshop introduced key topics of research data management (RDM) and the implementation thereof on a life science campus. Internal and external experts of RDM including scientists that apply chosen software tools presented the basic concepts and their implementation to a broad audience.  Talks covered general aspects of data handling and sorting, naming conventions, data storage repositories and archives, licensing of material, data and code management using git, data protection particularly regarding patient data and in genome sequencing and more. Two data management concepts and exemplary tools were highlighted in particular, being electronic lab notebooks with eLabFTW and the bio-image management software OMERO. Those were chosen because of three aspects: the large benefit of these management tools for a life science campus, their free availability as open source tools with the option of contribution of required functionalities and first existing use cases on campus already supported by CMCB/PoL IT. Two talks by Robert Haase (ScaDS.AI/ Uni Leipzig) and Robert Müller (Kontaktstelle Forschungsdaten, TU Dresden with contributions from Denise Dörfel) that opened the symposium were shared independently: The workshop organization was funded by the CMCB/PoL Networking Grant and supported by the consortium NFDI4BIOIMAGE (funded by DFG grant number NFDI 46/1, project number 501864659).

Tags: Research Data Management

Content type: Slides

Hackaton Results - Conversion of KNIME image analysis workflows to Galaxy#

[‘Riccardo Massei’]

Licensed CC-BY-4.0

Results of the project ‘Conversion of KNIME image analysis workflows to Galaxy’ during the Hackathon ‘Image Analysis in Galaxy’ (Freiburg 26 Feb - 01 Mar 2024)

Tags: Research Data Management

Content type: Slides

I3D:bio list of online training material#

Licensed UNKNOWN

List of links to training materials by the I3D:bio community.

Tags: Research Data Management

Content type: Collection

I3D:bio’s OMERO training material: Re-usable, adjustable, multi-purpose slides for local user training#

[‘Christian Schmidt’, ‘Michele Bortolomeazzi’, ‘Tom Boissonnet’, ‘Carsten Fortmann-Grote’, ‘Julia Dohle’, ‘Peter Zentis’, ‘Niraj Kandpal’, ‘Susanne Kunis’, ‘Thomas Zobel’, ‘Stefanie Weidtkamp-Peters’, ‘Elisa Ferrando-May’]

Published 2023-11-13

Licensed CC-BY-4.0

The open-source software OME Remote Objects (OMERO) is a data management software that allows storing, organizing, and annotating bioimaging/microscopy data. OMERO has become one of the best-known systems for bioimage data management in the bioimaging community. The Information Infrastructure for BioImage Data (I3D:bio) project facilitates the uptake of OMERO into research data management (RDM) practices at universities and research institutions in Germany. Since the adoption of OMERO into researchers’ daily routines requires intensive training, a broad portfolio of training resources for OMERO is an asset. On top of using the OMERO guides curated by the Open Microscopy Environment Consortium (OME) team, imaging core facility staff at institutions where OMERO is used often prepare additional material tailored to be applicable for their own OMERO instances. Based on experience gathered in the Research Data Management for Microscopy group (RDM4mic) in Germany, and in the use cases in the I3D:bio project, we created a set of reusable, adjustable, openly available slide decks to serve as the basis for tailored training lectures, video tutorials, and self-guided instruction manuals directed at beginners in using OMERO. The material is published as an open educational resource complementing the existing resources for OMERO contributed by the community.

Tags: Omero, Research Data Management, Nfdi4Bioimage, I3Dbio

Content type: Slide, Video

If you license it, it’ll be harder to steal it. Why we should license our work#

[‘Robert Haase’]

Licensed CC-BY-4.0

Blog post about why we should license our work and what is important when choosing a license.

Tags: Licensing, Research Data Management

Content type: Blog

Kollaboratives Arbeiten und Versionskontrolle mit Git#

[‘Robert Haase’]

Published 2024-04-15

Licensed CC-BY-4.0

Gemeinsames Arbeiten im Internet stellt uns vor neue Herausforderungen: Wer hat eine Datei wann hochgeladen? Wer hat zum Inhalt beigetragen? Wie kann man Inhalte zusammenfuehren, wenn mehrere Mitarbeiter gleichzeitig Aenderungen gemacht haben? Das Versionskontrollwerkzeug git stellt eine umfassende Loesung fuer solche Fragen bereit. Die Onlineplatform stellt nicht nur Softwareentwicklern weltweit eine git-getriebene Platform zur Verfuegung und erlaubt ihnen effektiv zusammen zu arbeiten. In diesem Workshop lernen wir:

Infuerung in FAIR-Prinzipien im Softwarecontext Arbeiten mit git: Pull-requests Aufloesen von Merge-Konflikten Automatisiertes Archivieren von Inhalten nach Eigene Webseiten auf publizieren

Tags: Research Data Management, Fair-Principles, Git, Zenodo

Content type: Slides

Lund Declaration on Maximising the Benefits of Research Data#

Tags: Research Data Management

Content type: Document

MDEmic: a metadata annotation tool to facilitate management of FAIR image data in the bioimaging community#

[‘Susanne Kunis’, ‘Sebastian Hänsch’, ‘Christian Schmidt’, ‘Frances Wong’, ‘Caterina Strambio-De-Castillia’, ‘Stefanie Weidtkamp-Peters’]


Tags: Research Data Management, Meta Data

Content type: Publication

Making your project citable#

A tutorial explaining how to make Github repositories citable by automatically creating DOIs using the Github-Zenodo integration.

Tags: Sharing, Citing, Research Data Management

Content type: Tutorial


[‘Carsten Fortmann.Grote’]

Licensed CC-BY-4.0

Presentation was given at the 2nd MPG-NFDI Workshop on April 18th about e NFDI4BIOIMAGE Consortium, FAIRification of Image (meta)data, Zarr, RFC, Training (TA5), contributing.

Tags: Research Data Management, Bioimage Analysis, Fair-Principles, Zarr, Nfdi4Bioimage

Content type: Slides

NFDI4BIOIMAGE - An Initiative for a National Research Data Infrastructure for Microscopy Data#

[‘Christian Schmidt’, ‘Elisa Ferrando-May’]

Licensed CC-BY-SA-4.0

Tags: Nfdi4Bioimage, Research Data Management

Content type: Poster, Publication

NFDI4BIOIMAGE - National Research Data Infrastructure for Microscopy and BioImage Analysis - Online Kick-Off 2023#

[‘Stefanie Weidtkamp-Peters’]

Licensed CC-BY-4.0

NFDI4BIOIMAGE core mission, bioimage data challenge, task areas, FAIR bioimage workflows.

Tags: Research Data Management, Fair-Principles, Bioimage Analysis, Nfdi4Bioimage

Content type: Slides

NFDI4BIOIMAGE - National Research Data Infrastructure for Microscopy and BioImage Analysis [conference talk: The Pelagic Imaging Consortium meets Helmholtz Imaging, 5.10.2023, Hamburg]#

[‘Riccardo Massei’]

Licensed CC-BY-4.0

NFDI4BIOIMAGE is a consortium within the framework of the National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI) in Germany. In this talk, the consortium and the contribution to the work programme by the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) in Leipzig are outlined.

Tags: Research Data Management, Bioimage Analysis, Nfdi4Bioimage

Content type: Slides

NFDI4Bioimage - TA3-Hackathon - UoC-2023 (Cologne Hackathon)#

[‘Mohamed M. Abdrabbou’, ‘Mehrnaz Babaki’, ‘Tom Boissonnet’, ‘Michele Bortolomeazzi’, ‘Eik Dahms’, ‘Vanessa A. F. Fuchs’, ‘Moritz Hoevels’, ‘Niraj Kandpal’, ‘Christoph Möhl’, ‘Joshua A. Moore’, ‘Astrid Schauss’, ‘Andrea Schrader’, ‘Torsten Stöter’, ‘Julia Thönnißen’, ‘Monica Valencia-S.’, ‘H. Lukas Weil’, ‘Jens Wendt and Peter Zentis’]

Licensed CC-BY-4.0

Tags: Arc, Dataplant, Hackathon, Nfdi4Bioimage, Omero, Python, Research Data Management

Content type: Event, Publication, Documentation


NFDI4Bioimage - TA3-Hackathon - UoC-2023 (Cologne-Hackathon-2023, GitHub repository)#

[‘Mohamed Abdrabbou’, ‘Mehrnaz Babaki’, ‘Tom Boissonnet’, ‘Michele Bortolomeazzi’, ‘Eik Dahms’, ‘Vanessa Fuchs’, ‘A. F. Moritz Hoevels’, ‘Niraj Kandpal’, ‘Christoph Möhl’, ‘Joshua A. Moore’, ‘Astrid Schauss’, ‘Andrea Schrader’, ‘Torsten Stöter’, ‘Julia Thönnißen’, ‘Monica Valencia-S.’, ‘H. Lukas Weil’, ‘Jens Wendt’, ‘Peter Zentis’]

Licensed CC-BY-4.0

This repository documents the first NFDI4Bioimage - TA3-Hackathon - UoC-2023 (Cologne Hackathon), where topics like ‘Interoperability’, ‘REMBI / Mapping’, and ‘Neuroglancer (OMERO / zarr)’ were explored through collaborative discussions and workflow sessions, culminating in reports that bridge NFDI4Bioimage to DataPLANT. Funded by various DFG initiatives, this event emphasized documentation and use cases, contributing preparatory work for future interoperability projects at the 2nd de.NBI BioHackathon in Bielefeld.

Tags: Research Data Management, Fair-Principles, Bioimage Analysis, Nfdi4Bioimage

Content type: Github Repository

OME Event Database#

Tags: Omero, Research Data Management

Content type: Collection, Event

OME-NGFF: a next-generation file format for expanding bioimaging data-access strategies#

[‘Josh Moore’, ‘Chris Allan’, ‘Sébastien Besson’, ‘Jean-Marie Burel’, ‘Erin Diel’, ‘David Gault’, ‘Kevin Kozlowski’, ‘Dominik Lindner’, ‘Melissa Linkert’, ‘Trevor Manz’, ‘Will Moore’, ‘Constantin Pape’, ‘Christian Tischer’, ‘Jason R. Swedlow’]

Licensed CC-BY-4.0

Tags: Nfdi4Bioimage, Research Data Management

Content type: Publication

OMERO for microscopy research data management#

[‘Thomas Zobel’, ‘Sarah Weischner’, ‘Jens Wendt’]


A use case example from the Münster Imaging Network

Tags: Nfdi4Bioimage, Omero, Research Data Management

Content type: Publication

Open Image Data Handbook#

[‘Kevin Yamauchi’]

Licensed CC-BY-4.0

Tags: Neubias, Research Data Management, Napari, Python, Bioimage Analysis

Content type: Book, Notebook

Open Science, Sharing & Licensing#

[‘Robert Haase’]

Published 2024-04-18

Licensed CC-BY-4.0

Wir tauchen ein in die Welt der Open Science und definieren Begriffe wie Open Source, Open Access und die FAIR-Prinzipien (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reuasable). Wir diskutieren, wie diese Methoden der [wissenschaftlichen] Kommunikation und des Datenmanagements die Welt verändern und wie wir sie praktisch in unsere Arbeit integrieren können. Dabei spielen Aspekte wie Copyright und Lizenzierung eine wichtige Rolle.

Tags: Research Data Management, Open Access, Fair-Principles, Licensing

Content type: Slides

Photonic data analysis in 2050#

[‘Oleg Ryabchykov’, ‘Shuxia Guo’, ‘Thomas Bocklitz’]

Licensed CC-BY-4.0

Photonic data analysis, combining imaging, spectroscopy, machine learning, and computer science, requires flexible methods and interdisciplinary collaborations to advance. Essential developments include standardizing data infrastructure for comparability, optimizing data-driven models for complex investigations, and creating techniques to handle limited or unbalanced data and device variations.

Tags: Fair-Principles, Machine Learning, Research Data Management

Content type: Publication

Promoting Data Management at the Nikon Imaging Center and Cell Biology Microscopy Facility#

[‘Jennifer Waters’]

Tags: Research Data Management

Content type: Blog

RDF as a bridge to domain-platforms like OMERO, or There and back again.#

[‘Josh Moore’, ‘Andra Waagmeester’, ‘Kristina Hettne’, ‘Katherine Wolstencroft’, ‘Susanne Kunis’]

Licensed CC-BY-4.0

In 2005, the first version of OMERO stored RDF natively. However, just a year after the 1.0 release of RDF, performance considerations led to the development of a more traditional SQL approach for OMERO. A binary protocol makes it possible to query and retrieve metadata but the resulting information cannot immediately be combined with other sources. This is the adventure of rediscovering the benefit of RDF triples as a – if not the – common exchange mechanism.

Tags: Research Data Management, Fair-Principles, Bioimage Analysis

Content type: Slides

RDM4Mic Presentations#

Licensed CC-BY-4.0

Tags: Research Data Management

Content type: Collection



Licensed UNKNOWN

Tags: Research Data Management, Omero

Content type: Collection, Video

RDMKit Training Resources#

Licensed CC-BY-4.0

Tags: Research Data Management

Content type: Collection

Research Data Management Seminar - Slides#

[‘Della Chiesa’, ‘Stefano’]

Published 2022-05-18

Licensed CC-BY-4.0

This Research Data Management (RDM) Slides introduce to the multidisciplinary knowledge and competencies required to address policy compliance and research data management best practices throughout a project lifecycle, and beyond it.

Module 1 - Introduces the RDM giving its context in the Research Data Governance
Module 2 - Illustrates the most important RDM policies and principles
Module 3 - Provides the most relevant RDM knowledge bricks
Module 4 - Discuss the Data Management Plans (DMPs), examples, templates and guidance


Tags: Research Data Management

Content type: Slide

Research data management for bioimaging: the 2021 NFDI4BIOIMAGE community survey#

[‘Christian Schmidt’, ‘Janina Hanne’, ‘Josh Moore’, ‘Christian Meesters’, ‘Elisa Ferrando-May’, ‘Stefanie Weidtkamp-Peters’, ‘members of the NFDI4BIOIMAGE initiative’]

Licensed CC-BY-4.0

Tags: Nfdi4Bioimage, Research Data Management

Content type: Publication

Setting up a data management infrastructure for bioimaging#

[‘Susanne Kunis’, ‘Karen Bernhardt’, ‘Michael Hensel’]

Licensed UNKNOWN

Tags: Nfdi4Bioimage, Research Data Management

Content type: Publication

Sharing Your Poster on Figshare: A Community Guide to How-To and Why#

[‘Elisabeth Kugler’]

Tags: Sharing, Research Data Management

Content type: Blog

Sharing and licensing material#

[‘Robert Haase’]

Licensed CC-BY-4.0

Introduction to sharing resources online and licensing

Tags: Sharing, Research Data Management

Content type: Slide

Sharing research data with Zenodo#

[‘Robert Haase’]

Licensed CC-BY-4.0

Blog post about how to share data using

Tags: Sharing, Research Data Management

Content type: Blog

So geschlossen wie nötig, so offen wie möglich - Datenschutz beim Umgang mit Forschungsdaten#

[‘Pia Voigt’]

Published 2024-05-30

Licensed CC-BY-4.0

Der Umgang mit personenbezogenen Daten stellt Forschende oft vor rechtliche Herausforderungen: Unter welchen Bedingungen dürfen personenbezogene Daten verarbeitet werden? Welche Voraussetzungen müssen erfüllt sein und welche Strategien können angewendet werden, um Daten sicher speichern, verarbeiten, teilen und aufbewahren zu können? Mit Hilfe dieses Foliensatzes erhalten Sie Einblicke in datenschutzrechtliche Aspekte beim Umgang mit Ihren Forschungsdaten. 

Tags: Research Data Management, Data Protection, Fair-Principles

Content type: Slides

Software Citation with CITATION.cff#

How to make your Github repository citable by adding a citation.cff file.

Tags: Sharing, Citing, Research Data Management

Content type: Tutorial

Structuring of Data and Metadata in Bioimaging: Concepts and technical Solutions in the Context of Linked Data#

[‘Susanne Kunis’]

Published 2022-08-24

Licensed CC-BY-4.0

guided walkthrough of poster at

which provides an overview of contexts, frameworks, and models from the world of bioimage data as well as metadata and the techniques for structuring this data as Linked Data.

You can also watch the video in the browser on the I3D:bio website.

Tags: Nfdi4Bioimage, Research Data Management

Content type: Video

Sustainable Data Stewardship#

[‘Stefano Della Chiesa’]

Published 2024-03-25

Licensed CC-BY-4.0

These slides were presented at the 2. SaxFDM-Beratungsstammtisch and delve into the strategic integration of Research Data Management (RDM) within research organizations. The Leibniz IOER presented an insightful overview of RDM activities and approaches, emphasizing the criticality of embedding RDM strategically within research institutions. The presentation showcases some best practices in RDM implementation through practical examples, offering valuable insights for optimizing data stewardship processes.

Tags: Research Data Management, Data Stewardship

Content type: Slides

Thinking data management on different scales#

[‘Susanne Kunis’]

Licensed CC-BY-4.0

Presentation given at PoL BioImage Analysis Symposium Dresden 2023

Tags: Research Data Management, Nfdi4Bioimage

Content type: Slides

Train-the-Trainer Concept on Research Data Management#

[‘Katarzyna Biernacka’, ‘Maik Bierwirth’, ‘Petra Buchholz’, ‘Dominika Dolzycka’, ‘Kerstin Helbig’, ‘Janna Neumann’, ‘Carolin Odebrecht’, ‘Cord Wiljes’, ‘Ulrike Wuttke’]

Published 2020-11-04

Licensed CC-BY-4.0

Within the project FDMentor, a German Train-the-Trainer Programme on Research Data Management (RDM) was developed and piloted in a series of workshops. The topics cover many aspects of research data management, such as data management plans and the publication of research data, as well as didactic units on learning concepts, workshop design and a range of didactic methods.

After the end of the project, the concept was supplemented and updated by members of the Sub-Working Group Training/Further Education (UAG Schulungen/Fortbildungen) of the DINI/nestor Working Group Research Data (DINI/nestor-AG Forschungsdaten). The newly published English version of the Train-the-Trainer Concept contains the translated concept, the materials and all methods of the Train-the-Trainer Programme. Furthermore, additional English references and materials complement this version.

Tags: Research Data Management

Content type: Book

Who you gonna call? - Data Stewards to the rescue#

[‘Vanessa Fuchs’, ‘Aphaia Fiona’, ‘Jens Wendt’, ‘Maximilian Müller’, ‘Mohsen Ahmadi’, ‘Riccardo Massei’, ‘Cornelia Wetzker’]

Licensed CC-BY-4.0

The Data Steward Team of the NFDI4BIOIMAGE consortium presents themselves and the services (including the Helpdesk) that we offer.

Tags: Research Data Management, Bioimage Analysis, Data Stewardship, Nfdi4Bioimage

Content type: Poster

[CORDI 2023] Zarr: A Cloud-Optimized Storage for Interactive Access of Large Arrays#

[‘Josh Moore’]

Licensed CC-BY-4.0

For decades, the sharing of large N-dimensional datasets has posed issues across multiple domains. Interactively accessing terabyte-scale data has previously required significant server resources to properly prepare cropped or down-sampled representations on the fly. Now, a cloud-native chunked format easing this burden has been adopted in the bioimaging domain for standardization. The format — Zarr — is potentially of interest for other consortia and sections of NFDI.

Tags: Research Data Management, Bioimage Analysis, Data Science

Content type: Poster

[ELMI 2024] AI’s Dirty Little Secret: Without FAIR Data, It’s Just Fancy Math#

[‘Josh Moore’, ‘Susanne Kunis’]

Licensed CC-BY-4.0

Poster presented at the European Light Microscopy Initiative meeting in Liverpool (

Tags: Research Data Management, Fair-Principles, Bioimage Analysis, Nfdi4Bioimage

Content type: Poster

[N4BI AHM] Welcome to BioImage Town#

[‘Josh Moore’]

Published 2023-10-16

Licensed CC-BY-4.0

Keynote at the NFDI4BIOIMAGE All-Hands Meeting in Düsseldorf, Germany, October 16, 2023.

Tags: Research Data Management

Content type: Slides

[SWAT4HCLS 2023] NFDI4BIOIMAGE: Perspective for a national bioimage standard#

[‘Josh Moore’, ‘Susanne Kunis’]

Licensed CC-BY-4.0

Poster presented at Semantic Web Applications and Tools for Health Care and Life Sciences (SWAT4HCLS 2023), Feb 13–16, 2023, Basel, Switzerland. NFDI4BIOIMAGE is a newly established German consortium dedicated to the FAIR representation of biological imaging data. A key deliverable is the definition of a semantically-compatible FAIR image object integrating RDF metadata with web-compatible storage of large n-dimensional binary data in OME-Zarr. We invite feedback from and collaboration with other endeavors during the soon-to-begin 5 year funding period.

Tags: Research Data Management, Fair-Principles, Nfdi4Bioimage

Content type: Poster

[Short Talk] NFDI4BIOIMAGE - A consortium in the National Research Data Infrastructure#

[‘Christian Schmidt’]

Licensed CC-BY-4.0

Short Talk about the NFDI4BIOIMAGE consortium presented at the RDM in (Bio-)Medicine Information Event on April 10th, 2024, organized C³RDM & ZB MED.

Tags: Research Data Management, Bioimage Analysis, Nfdi4Bioimage

Content type: Slides

[Workshop] FAIR data handling for microscopy: Structured metadata annotation in OMERO#

[‘Vanessa Fuchs’, ‘Fiona Aphaia’, ‘Christian Schmidt’, ‘Tom Boissonnet’]

Licensed CC-BY-4.0

How to optimize microscopy data management using structured metadata annotations in OMERO, facilitating organization for processing, analysis, and eventual publication. The focus lies on enhancing data findability and usability through object-oriented organization, integrating OMERO with ImageJ/Fiji for image analysis, and implementing community-accepted metadata standards like REMBI to ensure data reproducibility and reusability.

Tags: Research Data Management, Bioimage Analysis, Omero

Content type: Slides