Preprint (5)#
Bridging Imaging Users to Imaging Analysis - A community survey#
Suganya Sivagurunathan, Stefania Marcotti, Carl J Nelson, Martin L Jones, David J Barry, Thomas J A Slater, Kevin W Eliceiri, Beth A Cimini
Published 2023
Licensed BSD-3-CLAUSE
Tags: Bioimage Analysis
Content type: Publication, Preprint
SpatialData: an open and universal data framework for spatial omics#
Luca Marconato, Giovanni Palla, Kevin A Yamauchi, Isaac Virshup, Elyas Heidari, Tim Treis, Marcella Toth, Rahul Shrestha, Harald Vöhringer, Wolfgang Huber, Moritz Gerstung, Josh Moore, Fabian J Theis, Oliver Stegle
Licensed CC-BY-4.0
Tags: Python
Content type: Publication, Preprint
Studentsourcing - aggregating and re-using data from a practical cell biology course#
Joachim Goedhart
Tags: Sharing
Content type: Preprint
Using to find, compare and re-use online training materials#
Geert van Geest, Yann Haefliger, Monique Zahn-Zabal, Patricia M. Palagi
Licensed CC-BY-4.0 is a platform that aggregates and indexes training materials on computational life sciences from public git repositories, making it easier for users to find, compare, and analyze these resources based on various metrics. By providing insights into the availability of materials, collaboration patterns, and licensing practices, supports adherence to the FAIR principles, benefiting the broader life sciences community.
Tags: Bioimage Analysis, Research Data Management
Content type: Publication, Preprint