Notebook (47)#

2022 MIC Workshop on Bioimage processing with Python#

[‘Guillaume Witz’]

Licensed UNKNOWN

Tags: Python, Bioimage Analysis

Content type: Notebook


A Fiji Scripting Tutorial#

[‘Albert Cardona’]

Licensed CC0-1.0

Tags: Imagej, Bioimage Analysis

Content type: Notebook

Bio-image Data Science#

[‘Robert Haase’]

Licensed CC-BY-4.0

This repository contains training resources for Students at Uni Leipzig who want to dive into bio-image data science with Python.

Tags: Image Data Management, Deep Learning, Microscopy Image Analysis, Python

Content type: Notebook


Bio-image analysis, biostatistics, programming and machine learning for computational biology#

[‘Anna Poetsch’, ‘Biotec Dresden’, ‘Marcelo Leomil Zoccoler’, ‘Johannes Richard Müller’, ‘Robert Haase’]

Licensed CC-BY-4.0

Tags: Python, Bioimage Analysis, Napari

Content type: Notebook


BioImage Analysis Notebooks#

[‘Robert Haase et al.’]

Licensed [‘CC-BY-4.0’, ‘BSD-3-CLAUSE’]

Tags: Python, Bioimage Analysis

Content type: Book, Notebook

CARE/Stardist tutorials for EMBO Practical Course — Computational optical biology 2022#

[‘Martin Weigert’]

Licensed UNKNOWN

Tags: Python, Artificial Intelligence, Bioimage Analysis

Content type: Notebook


CSBDeep and StarDist @ I2K 2020#

[‘Martin Weigert’, ‘Uwe Schmidt’]

Licensed UNKNOWN

Tags: Python, Artificial Intelligence, Bioimage Analysis

Content type: Notebook


CellProfiler tutorials#

Licensed BSD-3-CLAUSE

CellProfiler tutorials and guided exercises about translocation, segmentation, pixel-based classification and quality control

Tags: Cellprofiler, Bioimage Analysis

Content type: Notebook



[‘Guillaume Jacquemet’]

Licensed MIT

Content type: Notebook, Collection


Course on Deep Learning for imaging using PyTorch#

[‘Guillaume Witz’]

Licensed UNKNOWN

Tags: Python, Bioimage Analysis, Artificial Intelligence

Content type: Notebook


DEEP NAPARI : Napari as a tool for deep learning project management#

[‘Herearii Metuarea’, ‘David Rousseau’, ‘Pejman Rasti’, ‘Valentin Gilet’]

Licensed UNKNOWN

Tags: Artificial Intelligence, Bioimage Analysis

Content type: Notebook



[‘Iván Hidalgo’, ‘et al.’]

Licensed CC-BY-4.0

Content type: Notebook, Collection


DL@MBL 2021 Exercises#

[‘Jan Funke’, ‘Constantin Pape’, ‘Morgan Schwartz’, ‘Xiaoyan’]

Licensed UNKNOWN

Tags: Artificial Intelligence, Bioimage Analysis

Content type: Slide, Notebook


Dask Course#

[‘Guillaume Witz’]

Licensed UNKNOWN

Tags: Python, Bioimage Analysis, Big Data

Content type: Notebook


Deep Learning Based Segmentation For Biologists#

Licensed AGPL-3.0

Tags: Python, R, Artificial Intelligence

Content type: Notebook


Deep Learning for image analysis - Exercises#

[‘Martin Weigert’]

Licensed UNKNOWN

Tags: Fiji, Artificial Intelligence, Bioimage Analysis

Content type: Notebook


Deep Vision and Graphics#

[‘Victor Yurchenko’, ‘Fedor Ratnikov’, ‘Viktoriia Checkalina’]

Licensed MIT

Tags: Python, Artificial Intelligence

Content type: Notebook


EMBL Deep Learning course 2019 exercises and materials#

[‘Valentyna Zinchenko’, ‘Pejman Rasti’, ‘Martin Weigert’, ‘Szymon Stoma’]

Licensed UNKNOWN

Tags: Python, Artificial Intelligence

Content type: Notebook


EMBL Deep Learning course 2021/22 exercises and materials#

[‘Martin Weigert’, ‘Constantin Pape’]

Licensed UNKNOWN

Tags: Python, Artificial Intelligence

Content type: Notebook


EMBL Deep Learning course 2023 exercises and materials#

[‘Martin Weigert’, ‘Uwe Schmidt’, ‘Benjamin Gallusser’, ‘Albert Dominguez Mantes’, ‘Buglakova Alyona’]

Licensed UNKNOWN

Tags: Python, Artificial Intelligence

Content type: Notebook


Fundamentals in digital image processing#

[‘Guillaume Witz’]

Licensed UNKNOWN

Tags: Bioimage Analysis

Content type: Notebook


Fundamentals of image analysis in Python with scikit-image, napari, and friends#

[‘Juan Nunez-Iglesias’]

Licensed BSD-3-CLAUSE

Tags: Python, Bioimage Analysis

Content type: Notebook


IAFIG-RMS Python for Bioimage Analysis Course#

[‘Aurelien Barbotin’, ‘Chas Nelson’, ‘Dominic Waithe’, ‘Ola (Alexandra) Tarkowska’, ‘Mikolaj Kundegorski’, ‘Stephen Cross’, ‘Todd Fallesen’]

Licensed GPL-3.0

Tags: Bioimage Analysis

Content type: Notebook


Image analysis and visualization in Python with scikit-image, napari, and friends#

[‘Juan Nunez-Iglesias’]

Licensed BSD-3-CLAUSE

Tags: Python, Bioimage Analysis

Content type: Notebook


Image processing for beginners#

[‘Guillaume Witz’]

Licensed BSD-3-CLAUSE

Tags: Python, Bioimage Analysis

Content type: Notebook


Image processing with Python#

[‘Guillaume Witz’]

Licensed MIT

Series of Notebooks exposing how to do mostly basic and some advanced image processing using Python. It uses standard packages (Numpy, Maplotlib) and for the image processing parts is heavily based on the scikit-image package.

Tags: Python

Content type: Notebook


Introduction to Bioimage Analysis#

[‘Pete Bankhead’]

Licensed CC-BY-4.0

Tags: Python, Imagej, Bioimage Analysis

Content type: Book, Notebook

Introduction to Deep Learning for Microscopy#

[‘Costantin Pape’]

Licensed MIT

This course consists of lectures and exercises that teach the background of deep learning for image analysis and show applications to classification and segmentation analysis problems.

Tags: Deep Learning, Pytorch, Segmentation, Python

Content type: Notebook


Materials for EMBL Coding Club Mini-Tutorials#

[‘Jonas Hartmann’, ‘et al.’]

Licensed UNKNOWN

Tags: Python

Content type: Code, Notebook


Metabolic networks modelling with COBRApy#

[‘Karin Sasaki’, ‘Aleksej Zelezniak’]

Licensed UNKNOWN

Tags: Python

Content type: Notebook


NEUBIAS Academy @HOME: Interactive Bioimage Analysis with Python and Jupyter#

Licensed BSD-3-CLAUSE

Tags: Python, Neubias, Bioimage Analysis

Content type: Notebook


NEUBIAS Analyst School 2018#

[‘Assaf Zaritsky’, ‘Csaba Molnar’, ‘Vasja Urbancic’, ‘Richard Butler’, ‘Anna Kreshuk’, ‘Vannary Meas-Yedid’]

Licensed UNKNOWN

Tags: Neubias, Bioimage Analysis

Content type: Slide, Code, Notebook


NEUBIAS Bioimage Analyst School 2019#

[‘Kota Miura’, ‘Chong Zhang’, ‘Jean-Yves Tinevez’, ‘Robert Haase’, ‘Julius Hossein’, ‘Pejamn Rasti’, ‘David Rousseau’, ‘Ignacio Arganda-Carreras’, ‘Siân Culley’, ‘et al.’]

Licensed UNKNOWN

Tags: Neubias, Bioimage Analysis

Content type: Slide, Code, Notebook


NEUBIAS Bioimage Analyst School 2020#

[‘Marion Louveaux’, ‘Stéphane Verger’, ‘Arianne Bercowsky Rama’, ‘Ignacio Arganda-Carreras’, ‘Estibaliz Gómez-de-Mariscal’, ‘Kota Miura’, ‘et al.’]

Licensed UNKNOWN

Tags: Neubias, Bioimage Analysis

Content type: Slide, Code, Notebook


Neubias Academy 2020: Introduction to Nuclei Segmentation with StarDist#

[‘Martin Weigert’, ‘Olivier Burri’, ‘Siân Culley’, ‘Uwe Schmidt’]

Licensed UNKNOWN

Tags: Python, Neubias, Artificial Intelligence, Bioimage Analysis

Content type: Slide, Notebook


ONBI Image Analysis Course#

[‘Mark Jenkinson’, ‘Jens Rittscher’, ‘Dominic Waithe’]

Licensed GPL-2.0

This repository contains the materials for the University of Oxford DTC ONBI Image Analysis course.

Tags: Python, Bioimage Analysis

Content type: Notebook


Open Image Data Handbook#

[‘Kevin Yamauchi’]

Licensed CC-BY-4.0

Tags: Neubias, Research Data Management, Napari, Python, Bioimage Analysis

Content type: Book, Notebook

PoL Bio-Image Analysis Early Career Bio-image Analysis Training School#

Tags: Bioimage Analysis, Python

Content type: Event, Notebook

PoL Bio-Image Analysis GPU Accelerated Image Analysis Training School#

Tags: Bioimage Analysis, Python

Content type: Event, Notebook

PoL Bio-Image Analysis Training School on GPU-Accelerated Image Analysis#

[‘Stephane Rigaud’, ‘Brian Northan’, ‘Till Korten’, ‘Neringa Jurenaite’, ‘Apurv Deepak Kulkarni’, ‘Peter Steinbach’, ‘Sebastian Starke’, ‘Johannes Soltwedel’, ‘Marvin Albert’, ‘Robert Haase’]

Licensed CC-BY-4.0

This repository hosts notebooks, information and data for the GPU-Accelerated Image Analysis Track of the PoL Bio-Image Analysis Symposium.

Tags: Gpu, Clesperanto, Dask, Python

Content type: Notebook


Python Workshop - Image Processing#

[‘Karin Sasaki’, ‘Jonas Hartmann’]

Licensed UNKNOWN

Tags: Python

Content type: Code, Notebook


Python for Microscopists#

[‘Sreenivas Bhattiprolu’]

Licensed MIT

Tags: Python, Bioimage Analysis

Content type: Notebook, Collection


QI 2024 Analysis Lab Manual#

[‘Beth Cimini’, ‘Florian Jug’, ‘QI 2024’]

Licensed CC-BY-4.0

This book contains the quantitative analysis labs for the QI CSHL course, 2024

Tags: Segmentation, Python

Content type: Notebook

QM Course Lectures on Bio-Image Analysis with napari 2024#

[‘Marcelo Leomil Zoccoler’]

Licensed CC-BY-4.0

In these lectures, we will explore ways to analyze microscopy images with Python and visualize them with napari, an nD viewer open-source software. The analysis will be done in Python mostly using the scikit-image, pyclesperanto and apoc libraries, via Jupyter notebooks. We will also explore some napari plugins as an interactive and convenient alternative way of performing these analysis, especially the napari-assistant, napari-apoc and napari-flim-phasor-plotter plugins.

Tags: Napari, Python

Content type: Notebook

ZEN & Python workshop#

Licensed GPL-3.0

Tags: Python, Napari, Bioimage Analysis

Content type: Collection, Notebook


ZeroCostDL4Mic: exploiting Google Colab to develop a free and open-source toolbox for Deep-Learning in microscopy#

[‘Lucas von Chamier’, ‘Romain F. Laine’, ‘Johanna Jukkala’, ‘Christoph Spahn’, ‘Daniel Krentzel’, ‘Elias Nehme’, ‘Martina Lerche’, ‘Sara Hernández-pérez’, ‘Pieta Mattila’, ‘Eleni Karinou’, ‘Séamus Holden’, ‘Ahmet Can Solak’, ‘Alexander Krull’, ‘Tim-Oliver Buchholz’, ‘Martin L Jones’, ‘Loic Alain Royer’, ‘Christophe Leterrier’, ‘Yoav Shechtman’, ‘Florian Jug’, ‘Mike Heilemann’, ‘Guillaume Jacquemet’, ‘Ricardo Henriques’]

Licensed MIT

Content type: Notebook, Collection


numpy pandas course#

[‘Guillaume Witz’]

Licensed BSD-3-CLAUSE

Tags: Python

Content type: Notebook
