Open science (9)#

Best practice data life cycle approaches for the life sciences#

Philippa C. Griffin, Jyoti Khadake, Kate S. LeMay, Suzanna E. Lewis, Sandra Orchard, et al.

Published 2018-06-04

Licensed UNKNOWN

The authors provide an overview of best practice data life cycle approaches for researchers in the life sciences/bioinformatics space with a particular focus on ‘omics’ datasets and computer-based data processing and analysis.

Tags: Bioinformatics, Reproducibility, Research Data Management, Sharing, Open Science

Content type: Publication

Cultivating Open Training#

Robert Haase

Published 2024-03-14

Licensed CC-BY-4.0

In this SaxFDM Digital Kitchen, I introduced current challenges and potential solutions for openly sharing training materials, softly focusing on bio-image analysis. In this field a lot of training materials circulate in private channels, but openly shared, reusable materials, according to the FAIR-principles, are still rare. Using the CC-BY license and uploading materials to publicly acessible repositories are proposed to fill this gap.

Tags: Open Science, Research Data Management, FAIR-Principles, Bioimage Analysis, Licensing

Content type: Slides

Data management at France BioImaging#

Published 2023-07-05

Licensed CC-BY-SA-4.0

Tags: Research Data Management, Bioimage Analysis, Open Science

Content type: Slides, Presentation

Finding and using publicly available data#

Anna Swan

Published 2024-01-01

Licensed CC-BY-4.0

Sharing knowledge and data in the life sciences allows us to learn from each other and built on what others have discovered. This collection of online courses brings together a variety of training, covering topics such as biocuration, open data, restricted access data and finding publicly available data, to help you discover and make the most of publicly available data in the life sciences.

Tags: Open Science, Teaching, Sharing

Content type: Collection, Tutorial, Video

Introduction to Research Data Management and Open Research#


Published 2024-05-17

Licensed CC-BY-4.0

Introduction to RDM primarily for researchers. Can be seen as primer to all other materials in this catalogue.

Tags: Research Data Management, Open Science

Content type: Slides

Making the most of bioimaging data through interdisciplinary interactions#

Virginie Uhlmann, Matthew Hartley, Josh Moore, Erin Weisbart, Assaf Zaritsky

Published 2024-10-23

Licensed CC-BY-4.0

Tags: Bioimage Analysis, Open Science, Microscopy

Content type: Publication

Rechtsfragen bei Open Science - Ein Leitfaden#

Till Kreutzer, Henning Lahmann

Published 2021-05-25

Licensed CC-BY-4.0

Die Digitalisierung ermöglicht eine offene Wissenschaft (Open Science). Diese hat viele Aspekte, insbesondere den freien Zugang zu wissenschaftlichen Veröffentlichungen und Materialien (Open Access), transparente Begutachtungsverfahren (Open Peer Review) oder quelloffene Technologien (Open Source). Das Programm Hamburg Open Science (Laufzeit 2018–2020) unterstützt unter anderem den Kulturwandel in der Wissenschaft. In diesem Kontext entstand der nun vorliegende Leitfaden, der das rechtliche Umfeld greifbar machen soll. Der Leitfaden erarbeitet die betroffenen Rechtsgebiete zunächst systematisch. Im zweiten Teil werden rechtliche Fragen zu Open Science beantwortet, die direkt aus den Universitäten und Bibliotheken kommen.

Tags: Open Science, Open Access, Copyright

Content type: Book

Research Data Reusability - Conceptual Foundations, Barriers and Enabling Technologies#

Costantino Thanos

Published 2017-01-09

Licensed CC-BY-4.0

This article discusses various aspects of data reusability in the context of scientific research, including technological, legal, and policy frameworks.

Tags: Research Data Management, Open Science, Data Protection

Content type: Publication

What is Open Data?#

Daniel Dietrich, Jonathan Gray, Tim McNamara, Antti Poikola, Rufus Pollock, et al.

Licensed CC-BY-4.0

This handbook is about open data but what exactly is it? In particular what makes open data open, and what sorts of data are we talking about?

Tags: Open Science

Content type: Collection