Tutorial (16)#

CellProfiler Practical NeuBIAS Lisbon 2017#

[‘Carolina Wählby’, ‘Maxime Bombrun’, ‘Christian Tischer’]

Licensed UNKNOWN

Tags: Neubias, Cellprofiler, Bioimage Analysis

Content type: Tutorial


Data Carpentry for Biologists#

Licensed [‘CC-BY-4.0’, ‘MIT’]

Content type: Tutorial, Code


EuBIAS course 2013: Intensity Dynamics at the Periphery of Nucleus#

[‘Kota Miura’]

Published 2013

Licensed UNKNOWN

Tags: Neubias, Bioimage Analysis

Content type: Tutorial, Book


Euro-BioImaging’s Guide to FAIR BioImage Data - Practical Tasks#

[‘Isabel Kemmer’, ‘Euro-BioImaging ERIC’]

Published 2024-06-04

Licensed CC-BY-4.0

Hands-on exercises on FAIR Bioimage Data from the interactive online workshop “Euro-BioImaging’s Guide to FAIR BioImage Data 2024” (https://www.eurobioimaging.eu/news/a-guide-to-fair-bioimage-data-2024/).  Types of tasks included: FAIR characteristics of a real world dataset Data Management Plan (DMP) Journal Policies on FAIR data sharing Ontology search Metadata according to REMBI scheme (Image from: Sarkans, U., Chiu, W., Collinson, L. et al. REMBI: Recommended Metadata for Biological Images—enabling reuse of microscopy data in biology. Nat Methods 18, 1418–1422 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41592-021-01166-8) Matching datasets to bioimage repositories Browsing bioimage repositories

Tags: Bioimage Analysis, Fair-Principles, Research Data Management

Content type: Slides, Tutorial



Euro-BioImaging’s Template for Research Data Management Plans#

[‘Isabel Kemmer’, ‘Euro-BioImaging ERIC’]

Published 2024-06-04

Licensed CC-BY-4.0

Euro-BioImaging has developed a Data Management Plan (DMP) template with questions tailored to bioimaging research projects. Outlining data management practices in this way ensures traceability of project data, allowing for a continuous and unambiguous flow of information throughout the research project. This template can be used to satisfy the requirement to submit a DMP to certain funders. Regardless of the funder, Euro-BioImaging users are encouraged to provide a DMP and can use this template accordingly.  This DMP template is available as a fillable PDF with further instructions and sample responses available by hovering over the fillable fields. 

Tags: Bioimage Analysis, Fair-Principles, Research Data Management

Content type: Collection, Tutorial



Galaxy Training Material#

Licensed MIT

Content type: Slides, Tutorial


Kreshuk Lab’s EMBL EIPP predoc course teaching material#

[‘Adrian Wolny’, ‘Johannes Hugger’, ‘Qin Yu’, ‘Buglakova Alyona’]

Licensed UNKNOWN

Tags: Artificial Intelligence

Content type: Tutorial


Machine Learning Workflow for Imaging Flow Cytometry (IFC)#

Licensed UNKNOWN

Tags: Cellprofiler, Bioimage Analysis

Content type: Tutorial


Making your project citable#

A tutorial explaining how to make Github repositories citable by automatically creating DOIs using the Github-Zenodo integration.

Tags: Sharing, Citing, Research Data Management

Content type: Tutorial


NEUBIAS Bioimage Analyst Course 2017#

[‘Curtis Rueden’, ‘Florian Levet’, ‘J.B. Sibarta’, ‘Alexandre Dafour’, ‘Daniel Sage’, ‘Sebastien Tosi’, ‘Michal Kozubek’, ‘Jean-Yves Tinevez’, ‘Kota Miura’, ‘et al.’]

Licensed UNKNOWN

Tags: Neubias, Bioimage Analysis

Content type: Slide, Tutorial


OME-Zarr course#

[‘Bugra Oezdemir’, ‘Christian Tischer’]

Licensed UNKNOWN

Content type: Tutorial


Setting up a remote desktop to use Napari in a browser#

[‘Volker Hilsenstein’]

Licensed UNKNOWN

Content type: Tutorial


Software Citation with CITATION.cff#

How to make your Github repository citable by adding a citation.cff file.

Tags: Sharing, Citing, Research Data Management

Content type: Tutorial


Source Control Using Git and GitHub#

Licensed UNKNOWN

Content type: Tutorial


Teaching Bioimage Analysis with Python#

[‘Rafael Camacho’]

Licensed MIT

Tags: Python, Bioimage Analysis

Content type: Tutorial


Teaching ImageJ FIJI#

[‘Rafael Camacho’]

Licensed MIT

Tags: Fiji, Bioimage Analysis

Content type: Tutorial
