Website (10)#
Data Stewardship Wizard#
Licensed UNKOWN
Leading open-source platform for collaborative and living data management plans.
Tags: Data Stewardship, Open Source, Research Data Management, FAIR-Principles
Content type: Website, Online Tutorial
Data life cycle#
ELIXIR (2021) Research Data Management Kit
Licensed CC-BY-4.0
In this section, information is organised according to the stages of the research data life cycle.
Tags: Data Life Cycle, Research Data Management
Content type: Collection, Website, Online Tutorial
Ghent University Research Data Management (RDM) - policy and support#
University of Ghent
Licensed UNKNOWN
The website provides resources and guidelines for managing research data efficiently and responsibly. Its focus is to ensure that data are properly organized, stored, documented, and shared throughout a research project, and even beyond, in a way that aligns with Open Science principles.
Tags: Research Data Management
Content type: Website
Metrics Reloaded - A framework for trustworthy image analysis validation#
Licensed UNKNOWN
The mission of Metrics Reloaded is to guide researchers in the selection of appropriate performance metrics for biomedical image analysis problems, as well as provide a comprehensive online resource for metric-related information and pitfalls
Tags: Bioimage Analysis, Quality Control
Content type: Website, Collection
NFDI - Daten als gemeinsames Gut für exzellente Forschung, organisiert durch die Wissenschaft in Deutschland.#
Licensed UNKNOWN
Schritt für Schritt verbessern wir die Nutzungsmöglichkeiten von Daten für Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft. Durch unser Zusammenwirken im NFDI-Verein entsteht eine Dachorganisation für das Forschungsdatenmanagement in allen Wissenschaftszweigen.
Tags: Nfdi4Bioimage, Research Data Management
Content type: Website
RDM Starter Kit#
Licensed CC-BY-4.0
This page is supposed to serve as a Starter Kit for research data management (RDM). It lists resources designed to help researchers get started to organize their data.
Tags: Research Data Management
Content type: Website
RDMO - Research Data Management Organiser#
Licensed UNKNOWN
Der Research Data Management Organiser (RDMO) unterstützt Forschungsprojekte bei der Planung, Umsetzung und Verwaltung aller Aufgaben des Forschungsdatenmanagements.
Tags: Research Data Management, Open Source Software
Content type: Website, Online Tutorial
deNBI Online Training Media Library#
Licensed UNKNOWN
The de.NBI (German Network for Bioformatics Infrastructure) Online Training & Media Library provides a collection of training materials for bioinformatics and computational biology.
Tags: Bioinformatics, Galaxy
Content type: Website - registry of Research Data Repositories#
Licensed CC-BY-4.0
Re3data is a global registry of research data repositories that covers research data repositories from different academic disciplines. It includes repositories that enable permanent storage of and access to data sets to researchers, funding bodies, publishers, and scholarly institutions.
Tags: Research Data Management
Content type: Website